FAQs about solar energy.
How long will the system last?
The answer is no one really knows. There’s not a lot of data to look because solar energy technology is a fairly new technology and vast majority of solar panels are less than 10 years old. However, the earliest modern solar panels outperformed its original factory specification 60 years after it was manufactured using older technology.
What is the "Annual Efficiency Degradation"?
Degradation on solar panels naturally occurs due to their exposure to extreme climate and weather conditions, but top quality solar panels only degrades at 0.7% annually. This means, your system is guaranteed to still perform at 82.5% after 25 years.
How much does solar energy cost?
Energy costs in the Philippines can be very unpredictable and can increase up to 12% per year. Solar technology can lock energy cost at Php 2.5 per kWh for 30 years. Learn more
How does solar power work?
It starts with the sun. When sunlight (not sun heat!) hits the photovoltaic modules , it is converted into DC electricity. A device called an inverter converts the DC electricity into AC electricity. AC electricity is distributed throughout your home which powers all your appliances during daytime. When your system produces more power than you consume, it feeds the excess power back to the grid. Learn more
What is Net Metering?
It is a service by power companies which credits their consumers who generate their own power from solar, wind, bio gas etc for the electricity they feed back to the grid. A bi-directional meter, which reads the import and export of power, will replace your existing uni-directional meter. The power company then gives a peso credit for the excess electricity received equivalent to the DU’s blended generation cost, excluding other generation adjustments, and deducts the credits earned to the customer’s electric bill.
Will it power my appliances during power interruption?
No. Grid-tied solar power systems have no batteries. For safety purposes of utility line men, grid-tied inverters are equipped with a feature called "anti-islanding" which automatically shuts the system down when it doesn't detect any power from the grid. This feature is a requirement of your utility company when applying for Net Metering.
How does solar energy save the environment?
Traditional electricity is produced by burning tons and tons coals. Since a part of your energy consumption is covered by solar energy, you will offset production of harmful CO2. For every 350 kWh of solar energy produced, it is equivalent to planting a tree.